服装时尚网 内衣时尚网 童装时尚网 饰品时尚网 女装时尚网 服装面料网  
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产品关键字:拉链 纽扣 花边 织带 吊牌 商标 衬布 里布 缝纫线 衣架 模特 里料 包装 垫肩 网布 底布 划粉 粘合衬 松紧带
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您的位置:中国服装辅料网 -> 服装辅料企业名片 -> 香港利丰贸易有限公司
  企业介绍  联系方式  
主  营: 家用纺织品
产  品: 家纺
公司介绍: Li & Fung (Trading) Limited is a premier global trading group managing the supply chain for high-volume, time-sensitive consumer goods. Garments make up a large part of the Li & Fung business which also covers the sourcing of hardgoods such as fashion accessories, furnishings, gifts, handicrafts, home products, promotional merchandise, toys, sporting goods and travel goods.

  As a Supply Chain Manager across many producers and countries, Li & Fung provides the convenience of a one-stop shop for customers through a Total Value-Added Package: from product design and development, through raw material and factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance and export documentation to shipping consolidation.
地  区: 上海 上海
地  址: 上海九江路333号

友情链接:中国服装时尚网 中国服装辅料网 更多...
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